History of Tapi

The Tapi River is one of the major rivers in India. The total length of the Tapi river is approximately around 724 km. It flows in the central part of India. The river originates from The Tapti River originates in the Betul district from a place called Multai of Madhya Pradesh in the Satpura range at an elevation of 752 m above the sea level. The states through which the Tapi river flows include Maharashtra, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. The Tapi basin extends to the total area of 65, 145 sq. km, which is approximately 2.0% of the total geographical area of India. The catchment of the Tapi river, falls in Madhya Pradesh (9,804 sq.km), Maharashtra (51,504 sq.km ) and Gujarat(3,838 sq.km ) states.
The main tributaries of the Tapi river are Purna, The Girna, The Panjhra, The Vaghur, the Bori and the Aner. The Tapi River in Thailand was named after India`s Tapti River on August 1915.
The history of Tapti River is deeply associated with the history of the places across which it flows. Tapti is a river of western India and the history of this river starts with its origin in the Betul district. It rises in Betul district of Madhya Pradesh and flows between two spurs of the Satpura Hills, across the plateau of Khandesh, and thence through the plain of Surat to the sea.
In the earlier times, Tapi river at Surat was used as the major port for the purpose of export of goods and also as an important stopover destination for Muslim pilgrimage called Haj to Mecca.