Power Generation

Hydroelectric power is a form of energy and it is a renewable resources. Hydroelectric power plants do not use up resources to create electricity nor do they pollute the air, land, or water, as other power plants may. Hydroelectric power comes from flowing water from mountain streams and clear lakes. Water, when it is falling by the force of gravity, can be used to turn turbines and generators that produce electricity. There are 4 units of hydro turbine each of 75MW with a total installed capacity of 300MW and generate 1060 million units every year.
There are three basic stages of hydro power station to generate electricity.
1. Spillway
2. Turbine
3. Generator
Ukai hydro power station has been declared 3rd best performing station in India during 2006-2007 year and awarded Bronze shield for the same by Ministry of Power, New Delhi.
The main dam is earthen with 425 m long spillway with capacity of 21 lac cusecs . The spill way has 22 gates x 48’6” high. The FRL (Flood Regulation Level) for dam is 345 feet (105.16 m) and MWL(maximum water level) as per design is 351 feet. The river basin is fed by South West monsoon, North East rains / storms.
There are 3 rain-gauge stations in M.P, 12 in Maharashtra and 2 in Gujarat. The Central Water Commission is responsible for gauge and discharge measurements. Hathnur dam is 595 km upstream of Ukai.